Welcome – Rep. Laura Fine

Thank you for visiting my website. As your State Representative, I am committed to fiscal accountability, bringing integrity back to Springfield and most importantly, resolving our budgetary woes in a responsible and thoughtful manner. We must continue to implement policies that encourage business to grow and create jobs, strengthen education, and protect consumers and the environment.

My door is always open and I look forward to hearing your views. I encourage you to contact my office in Glenview or in Springfield with any suggestions or if you need assistance in your dealings with a state agency. To stay informed on what is happening in Springfield, please sign up at the top of this webpage to receive my e-newsletters. I am very proud to represent you and will work diligently to advocate for your interests in Springfield.Laura Fine Signature



Recent Allegation of Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Springfield

There have been several allegations of sexual abuse and harassment in Illinois state government in the recent months. I believe that all allegations of sexual harassment, assault, abuse, bullying or retaliation in Springfield need to be taken seriously and investigated thoroughly. These behaviors have been covered up for far too long and I applaud the bravery of the individuals who have spoken out.

These toxic actions are completely unacceptable and anyone found to have acted in a manner that is illegal, unethical, or unbecoming of their position should face immediate and appropriate repercussions.

To change a culture like this takes a real commitment from everyone involved. The system in Springfield for reporting and dealing with these types of harassment and abuse is broken. The onus is on legislators to fix it.

That is why I co-sponsored HB138. This legislation which is now law, cracks down on sexual harassment, abuse, and retaliation in Springfield and provides clear channels by which employees can make a complaint. Although this bill will help create safe opportunities for victims to come forward, it simply isn’t enough. We must change behavior and we must change the system in order to root out this toxic culture everywhere.


Constituent Survey

Please take a moment to fill out this short Constituent SURVEY to share your views and to help me better represent your interests in Springfield.
Constituent Survey


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